Monday, October 13, 2014

Term 4 2014

We are back into it! A warm welcome to new families who are joining our community this term. Welcome to Central School. 

Remember students need to wear school hats in term 4.

We have a nine week term and finish school on December 12th. 

Here are just some up and coming dates to mark on the calendar:

Oct 16: Transition to Intermediate meeting for year 6's and parents at Central (5-6.30pm)  informal chat/dinner at 5.oopm with actual meeting starting at 5.45pm

Oct 23: Floral Fantasy (morning only bring flowers to decorate)

Oct 31: School Disco

Nov 4: Rangi and Poutama Athletics.

Nov 12th: Inter-school Athletics

Nov 21: Kapa Haka Performance at Show grounds.

Nov 25: Kakano and Koru Duathlon (TBC)

Dec 5: Kakano Celebration Assembly and shared lunch.
Koru Celebration Assembly

Dec 8: Koru Shared Lunch

Dec 8: Final School Prize Giving


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